Ogrus the Leviathan

Ogrus is the tempestuous god of the sea. A jealous and capricious deity, he demands the most tribute out of all the pantheon for his blessings. It is because of his legendary jealousy that the moon was created, and why the ocean seeks to erode shorelines. His worship is more common among coastal communities, who offer tribute for good sailing, fishing, and protection from the beasts of the sea. Such worship is done out of fear instead of adoration.

Ogrus is an ancient enemy of Fespaan, for Ogrus’s ultimate goal is to sink all of Jemmora below the waves and thus claim dominion over the world. As such, he looks favorably on projects that create more watery areas. He is not fond of Fespaan’s island turtles, but his attempts to overpower them have fallen short.

His priests wear dark blue robes with bright blue and green accents. They oversee the sacrifices made to Ogrus, but there are countless stories of priests succumbing to temptation and stealing some of the wealth reserved for Ogrus. The Leviathan does not take theft kindly, and such communities are destroyed outright.

Portfolio: Tempest

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