Winterholme Expanse

A cold, forbidding land in the northernmost reaches of Drevoss, Winterholme does not have many settlements. The deepest, coldest reaches of Winterholme are inhabited only by monsters, and foolish adventurers looking for ill-gotten treasures.


Comprising the northern reaches of Drevoss, Winterholme is a polar region of tundra and taiga. Summers here are mild, short, and precious. The Celestial Palaces track unusual paths through Winterholme – it sees 16 hours of daylight each day during the summer, and 16 hours of darkness each day during the winter.


The minotaur of Winterholme trade ambergris, whalebone, and furs for supplies they need – or take to lives of raiding and piracy.


Winterholme is almost entirely inhabited by minotaur, who have developed a strong warrior culture from surviving the harsh elements. Advancement in society is done through ritual combat, whether through duels, hunting contests, or raids.


The minotaur communities live as a loose federation of matriarchal tribes. Each chieftain has a shamanic counselor to advise on spiritual matters. Every summer, each shaman travels to Bone Hollow, where they convene with ancestor spirits and their chiefs (through sending spirits) to discuss matters of importance.

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