Knights of the Realm

An independent order of honorable knights who protect the lands of Jemmora from all manner of threats. They work with local governments, militias, and guards as an elite support force.

The order has a very hierarchical structure based out of Stormwatch Keep, on the border between Dremenot and Khazdal. Orders are disseminated from the High Council through the chain of command down to knights and squires.

The Knights of the Realm are an ideal group for characters interested in chivalry, honor, and martial skill.


In honor, we protect the realms.


The Knights’ beliefs can be summarized as follows:

♦   We must use our strength to protect the disadvantaged.
♦   Our behavior should uphold our honor.
♦   Our actions should be an example for others to follow.


To protect the realms of Jemmora from peril. Thwart tyrants and any regime that wields its power unwisely. Aid the weak, poor, and the oppressed.


Interested individuals can apply with a knight to become their squire, should that knight have a current opening. That knight becomes a mentor, teaching the squire about the Oath and the Chain.

Upon joining, a squire is sworn into service under a knight. The squire’s duties include caring for the knight’s equipment, belongings, and horses.

Squire – 0 Renown
Gain one higher-ranked contact within The Knights of the Realm, whom you serve and learn from.

Knight of the Sword – 3 Renown, Pass the Trial of the Oath and Chain
Gain access to strongholds and garrison of the Knights, who provide lodging and food. You are able to requisition basic equipment, and are provided with a warhorse. Additionally, you are able to take on a squire.

Knight of the Shield – 10 Renown, 5th Level, 1+ Missions Completed
Gain access to the Sacred Cloisters of the Knights, which contain holy relics and shrines to Kodava. Training within the Sacred Cloisters reduces the time to gain proficiency with weapons, armor, or useful tools by half.

Knight of the Bear – 25 Renown, 9th Level, 3+ Missions Completed
You gain the services of a loyal steward, who is a fighter or paladin. You also gain an honor guard, who are four guards that serve your needs as long as you hold rank within the Knights of the Realm.

Highlord – 50 Renown, 13th Level, 10+ Missions Completed
You hold a seat on the Knights’ Council, able to vote on matters of the Oath and Chain.

Typical Quests

Defeating a terrible foe in honorable combat, turning a foe from darkness to the light, protecting the downtrodden from people with power.

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