
No one knows where they came from. No one knows their purpose. The constructs known as forlorn are met with suspicion, derision, fear, and outright loathing. The forlorn do not form large communities to avoid attracting unwanted attention, and resign themselves to wandering the world and seeing its wonders. Forlorn can typically be seen just outside the limits of a town or city – because of the general public’s mistrust of the mechanical beings, they are not usually welcome in civilized areas. When they are, they do not enjoy many rights and privileges – at best, they are treated as servants in the employ of a master, and at worst, no better than complicated objects.

Forlorn Traits

  • Ability Score Increase. +2 Constitution, +1 Strength or Intelligence

  • Size. Medium

  • Speed. 30 feet

  • Composite Plating. +1 AC. Should you become subject to an affect that destroys nonmagical armor (such as magical rusting effects), you lose this AC bonus until your plating can be repaired.

  • Forlorn Resilience. You have advantage on death saving throws and saving throws against poison, as well as resistance to poison damage.

  • Knowledge Collector. You gain proficiency on History checks.

  • Living Construct. You are considered a living creature. You are a humanoid creature, but are vulnerable to effects that target constructs. You are immune to disease. You do not need to eat or breathe, but can ingest food and drink. Instead of sleeping, you enter an inactive state for 4 hours each day. You do not dream in this state; you are fully aware of your surroundings and notice events around you as normal.

  • Modular Design. You can attach equipment to your body. Weapons and items attached in this way cannot be disarmed. Attached armor becomes part of your body, and you are not considered to be wearing armor.

  • Languages. Common, plus one of your choice





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