The Nightwatchers

The Nightwatchers are a group of dour, grim hunters and occultists who patrol the forests and swamps of Twillin. Mistrusted by the common folk for their use of “dark magics,” they generally keep out of public affairs unless rooting out some corruption or creature hiding among people. Tales say that some of them have even bonded with some of the terrible beasts of the wood, patrolling the forests and moors at night.

The Nightwatchers are an ideal group for characters interested in hunting foul creatures such as aberrations, lycanthropes, and undead, and aren’t afraid to use somewhat questionable methods.


We are the light that burns the darkness.


The Nightwatchers’ beliefs can be summarized as follows:

♦   Use whatever means necessary to drive back the darkness.
♦   Keep to the shadows – common folk don’t understand our methods.
♦   The undead are a scourge that must be wiped out.


Protect the communities of Twillin from the creatures of the night. Acquire forbidden lore to understand the capabilities of such creatures and create defenses against them. Destroy the undead.


The Nightwatchers accept anyone who wishes to join their ranks, provided they demonstrate skill in combat and loyalty to their cause. Applicants must undergo several rituals to determine their motivations and ability to serve.

Prerequisite: Acceptance into The Nightwatchers

You gain access to the Nightwatcher archives, meeting houses, and lodges, which contain specialized lore in the occult and macabre. Additionally, you can purchase or commission silvered weapons at such locations.

Individuals known to be Nightwatchers may have disadvantage on Charisma ability checks when interacting with the common folk of Twillin, due to the public’s distrust of the organization.

Hunter (Special Role)
Prerequisite: Renown 3+ in the Nightwatchers, proficiency with heavy crossbow, longbow, or rifle

Hunters are tasked with venturing into the dark forests and moors, tracking dangerous creatures and eliminating them before they become prey themselves. You might be called on to take part in group hunts, or to hunt alone.

The Nightwatchers provide their hunters with the appropriate silvered ammunition at no cost.

Inquisitor (Special Role)
Prerequisite: Renown 3+ in the Nightwatchers

Inquisitors perform most of their work within communities as both recruiters and investigators. They might include silver-tongued scoundrels who can coax information from townsfolk, spellcasters who use magic rituals to divine the truth, or anyone who presents a good image to combat the organization’s reputation.

When you become an inquisitor, you gain a contact from a community of your choice that helps provide you with information about supernatural activity in that community.

Sentinel (Special Role)
Prerequisite: Renown 3+ in the Nightwatchers, proficiency with martial weapons

Sentinels are soldiers who protect the clandestine meeting houses and hunting halls where Nightwatchers meet. As a sentinel, you are usually assigned to guard duty, but you might be assigned on special missions that require strength of arms.

While you are on the property of the house or hall you’re sworn to protect, you can activate its warding enchantments, allowing you to animate objects found around the property (treat as 1d6 tiny servants or 1 rug of smothering) for as long as the area is threatened. The objects will not leave the property.

Hunter’s Ritual
Prerequisite: Renown 10+ in the Nightwatchers

You can request that you undergo the hunter’s ritual before you undertake a mission on the organization’s behalf, gaining the benefit of a charm of heroism.

Prerequisite: Renown 10+ in the Nightwatchers, proficiency in Animal Handling

Darkwatchers are watchers who ride giant owls and serve as warriors and scouts. In addition to surveying the movements of dangerous foes and terrain, they are also on the lookout for places where a new hunting hall can be established. As a darkwatcher, you are sometimes called on to take part in hunts, but you are free to pursue your own missions — from the back of your giant owl mount (see the stat block in the Monster Manual).

Your mount effectively belongs to you, entrusted to your care. If it comes to harm through your negligence or mistreatment, you might be punished — perhaps to the extent of losing your position as a darkwatcher.

Prerequisite: Renown 10+ in the Nightwatchers, Spellcasting or Pact Magic class feature

Occultists study the foul magics used by creatures of the night, and use magic to determine the weaknesses of the organization’s quarries. You also conduct rituals to enchant items and brew potions for the watchers, to better arm them against powerful enemies.

As an occultist, you can call on the aid of 1d4 assistants (acolytes or apprentice mages), even leading them on missions when necessary.

Your position within the organization gives you access to superior food, lodging, and workrooms, the equivalent of a comfortable lifestyle.

Prerequisite: Renown 25+ in the Nightwatchers, proficiency in Animal Handling

The wolfriders patrol the roads through the forests, hills, and swamps, ensuring that the few folk who travel upon them are safe. You have a dire wolf mount, raised from a pup to serve the wolfriders loyally.

Your mount is entrusted to your care, and if it comes to harm through your negligence or mistreatment, you might be punished — perhaps to the extent of losing your position as a wolfrider.

Prerequisite: Renown 50+ in the Nightwatchers

The Watchmaster leads the organization, coordinating the efforts of its members and designating which targets are currently the most dangerous. As the Watchmaster, you must be available when the organization has need of your service, but have supreme authority in determining goals.

You can call upon 6d6 initiates to support you in grand hunts, or 4d6 initiates for a mission tangential to official business. These initiates are acolytes, apprentice mages, scouts, or soldiers.

Your position gives you access to the best food and lodging, the equivalent of a wealthy lifestyle.

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