Kingdom of Twillin

The kingdom of Twillin sits on an island in the Emerald Sea. A gloomy land of endless fog and drizzling rain, Twillin’s nautical industries are second to none. There are few settlements outside the coastal villages and cities, as only the bravest venture into the moors and forests.


Sitting off the coast of Dremenot, Twillin is perpetually caught between warm tradewinds and cold air from Winterholme. This leads to constant fog and mist, and drizzling showers are a near-daily occurrence. Winters are relatively mild, though Twillin does receive snow in the coldest months.


Twillin’s might is built upon its naval strength and shipping industries. Whether a desire to explore the world or simply to leave the cold and damp, many Twills serve aboard ships.


Although most folk across Jemmora rarely dare to venture out at night, none exemplify this more than the Twills. Most townsfolk have lost someone dear to monsters creeping into town from the moors and forests.

The people of Twill harbor a distrust of arcane magic, due to its association with witchcraft. Those who practice such magic must submit to a national registry and follow strict laws governing arcana. Common folk in Twillin believe that warforged are little more than arcane-powered golems, little more than fancy – but dangerous – automatons. Warforged do not have the rights other humanoids do within the kingdom and fall under property laws concerning artifacts.


Twillin was formerly a feudal monarchy, but a mysterious curse befell the royal family and their estate. With no sign of the royalty since then, the Twill navy has stepped in to maintain day-to-day operations. Life has improved somewhat under the oversight of Admiral Williston, though he considers his position a thankless job.

Williston earned his rank in the navy from his campaigns battling the Brotherhood of Corsairs. His lifelong career of adventure was just coming to an end when the naval council selected him to oversee Twillin. He has applied all resources and recruited several organizations to find the royal family so that he can finally retire.

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